We report on the two-dimensional observation of electron focusing under the influence of a longitudinal magnetic field B l using a real space imaging technique. As a function of B l the focusing patterns are modified and shrink together in good qualitative agreement with calculated focusing patterns of ballistic electrons. At low fields we observed Sondheimer oscillations periodic in B l . At high fields light-induced magneto-oscillations due to Landau quantization occur. [S0031-9007(97)04760-1] PACS numbers: 72.15.Eb, 03.65.Sq, 72.15.Jf, 75.80. + q The electronic mean free path l ء in metals at room temperature is of the order of nm and therefore in the range of interatomic distances [1]. In very pure single crystals at low temperatures T , l ء can reach values of several 100 mm. Under these conditions it is possible to perform experiments in the so-called ballistic regime, where l ء is of the order of typical sample dimensions.Sharvin [2], for example, fixed two point contacts (PC) on opposite surfaces of a Sn sample. One PC (emitter) was used to inject carriers into the crystal and the other PC (collector) detected the collector voltage V c . For certain values of a longitudinal magnetic field B l (along the line connecting emitter and collector, Sharvin geometry) he observed peaks in V c , a phenomenon which he called longitudinal electron focusing.We recently presented a new experimental technique which allows one to image the far field radiation pattern of a carrier point source [3][4][5][6]. The real space imaging capability makes this technique the ideal tool for studies of the spatial distribution of the trajectories of carriers under the influence of a magnetic field, for example in the Sharvin geometry. These Sharvin-type experiments using this new technique are presented here for the first time. The advantage over the classical Sharvin experiment is the possibility to observe the changes of the carrier flux pattern induced by the application of B l not only at a given location, but on the whole sample surface.The experimental setup presented in Fig. 1(a) is similar to the one described in [3,6]. The beam of a 30 mW Ar laser is coupled into an optical fiber which illuminates a small spot of the surface of a Bi single crystal slab of thickness d ഠ l ء . As previous work indicated, "hot electrons" are thermally excited, spread out from the illuminated spot, and propagate nearly ballistically (without scattering) towards the opposite surface of the crystal. Within the ballistic regime the carrier propagation in metals is in general highly anisotropic and is mainly determined by the shape of the Fermi surface [5]. At the opposite surface of the sample the incoming carrier flux is detected by a collector point contact. The focusing pattern is obtained by recording the voltage V c at the collector as a function of the position of the hot electron excitation (see [3] for details).Typical experimental results, recorded on the trigonal surface of a Bi single crystal slab of the thickness d ഠ 230 mm a...