2004 Halogenated carboxylic acids and esters Halogenated carboxylic acids and esters Q 0430 Versatile Transformations of α,β-Dibromoesters and Ketones in Basic Media under Microwave Irradiation. -Depending of the reaction conditions, α,β-dibromoesters are converted to α-bromo acrylates, acrylates or bromo alkenes. The analogous α,β-dibromoketone (X) is transformed to α-bromoketone (XI) as the main product. -(HAMELIN*, J.; SAOUDI, A.; BENHAOUA, H.; Synthesis 2003, 14, 2185-2188; Synth. Electrosynth. Org., CNRS, Univ. Rennes, F-35042 Rennes, Fr.; Eng.) -Mais 07-086