For a fixed finite family of graphs F, the F-Minor-Free Deletion problem takes as input a graph G and an integer and asks whether there exists a set X ⊆ V (G) of size at most such that G − X is F-minor-free. For F = {K 2 } and F = {K 3 } this encodes Vertex Cover and Feedback Vertex Set respectively. When parameterized by the feedback vertex number of G these two problems are known to admit a polynomial kernelization. Such a polynomial kernelization also exists for any F containing a planar graph but no forests. In this paper we show that F-Minor-Free Deletion parameterized by the feedback vertex number is MK[2]-hard for F = {P 3 }. This rules out the existence of a polynomial kernel assuming NP ⊆ coNP/poly, and also gives evidence that the problem does not admit a polynomial Turing kernel. Our hardness result generalizes to any F not containing a P 3 -subgraph-free graph, using as parameter the vertex-deletion distance to treewidth min tw(F), where min tw(F) denotes the minimum treewidth of the graphs in F. For the other case, where F contains a P 3 -subgraph-free graph, we present a polynomial Turing kernelization. Our results extend to F-Subgraph-Free Deletion.
ACM Subject ClassificationTheory of computation → Graph algorithms analysis, Theory of computation → Parameterized complexity and exact algorithms