“…I also performed a spatial analysis of surface wave-induced bed shear stress ( w ) spanning the entire southern bay shelf (20 to 100m isobaths) to illustrate how w varied. I then passed the model outputs through lagged cross-covariance functions and probabilistic statistical classification models (described below) to characterize the relationship between observations of detached SPM layers and frictional bottom shear stress and to determine whether the occurrence of detached SPM layers was directly related to local sediment resuspension events.Optical Peak Identification AlgorithmThe temporal variability and vertical distribution of observed detached SPM layers (first and second questions driving this study) were determined by a MATLAB algorithm designed following methods by), Sullivanet al, (2010 andSevadjian et al, (2015). I designed the algorithm to identify detached optical peaks of SPM (i.e., elevated SPM overlying clearer water) in individual vertical profiles collected by the profiler by examining the fine-scale vertical structure of corrected beam attenuation values.…”