This project is part of research series to observe the thermal characteristic of green facade to minimize the cooling load inside building. The aim is to analyze the building thermal characteristic on the green facade installed on a building model. Various kinds of leaves covered area (experiment I: 0%, experiment II: 50%, and experiment III: 90%) were used as the main parameter. Calculation in decrement factor and time lag were also done in order to support the analysis of heat flows calculations. Data measurement showed that ambient and facade surface of green facade with the greatest leaves covered area (experiment III) had lower temperature profiles. Data calculation also showed the highest of average heat flows were found out in the bare wall model. Results for heat flow in the wall surface were 4.69 W/m2 (experiment I), 3.88 W/m2 (experiment II), and 1.61 W/m2 (experiment III). While for heat flows through indoor air space, they were 27.75 W/m2 (experiment I), −5.10 W/m2 (experiment II), and 8.99 W/m2 (experiment III). As shown from data analysis, the quantities of leaves covered area effected the cooling down on the building envelope by reducing the quantity of heat flows from exterior to interior side.