Key L ab o ra to ry o f E xp lo ra tio n T e ch n olo gie s fo r O il and Gas Resources, M in is try o f Education, Yangtze U nive rsity, W u h an , H ubei 4 3 0 1 0 0 , C hina; P e tro le u m E n g in e erin g C ollege, Yangtze U nive rsity, W uhan, H ubei 4 3 0 1 0 0 , C hina e -m a il: m adong @ ya n g tze u .e du .cn C hangw ei Liu S c h o o l o f Energy, C hin a U n iv e rs ity o f G eosciences (B e ijin g ), B e ijin g 4 3 0 1 0 0 , C hina e -m a il: c h a n g w e iliu @ o u tlo o k .c o m Changhui Cheng S in o p e c J ia n g h a n O il Field, W u h an , H ubei 4 3 0 1 0 0 , C hina e -m a il: c c h je n n y @ 1 6 3 .c o m
New Relationship Between Resistivity Index and Relative PermeabilityRelative permeability as an important petrophysical parameter is often measured directly in the laboratory or obtained indirectly from the capillary pressure data. However, the literature on relationship between relative permeability and resistivity is lacking. To this end, a new model o f inferring two-phase relative permeability from resistivity index data wav derived on the basis o f Poiseuille's law and Darcy's law. The wetting phase tortuos ity ratio was included in the proposed model. The relative permeabilities computed from the capillary pressure data, as well as the experimental data measured in gas-water and oil-water flow condition, were compared with the proposed model. Both results demon strated that the two-phase permeability obtained by proposed model were generally in good agreement with the data computed from capillary pressure and measured in the lab oratory. The comparison also showed that our model was much better than Li model at matching the relative permeability data.Darcy's law and Ohm's law are used to describe quantitatively the fluid flow in a porous medium and the electric flow in a con ductive body, respectively. The similarity theory between the two
Journal of Energy Resources Technology