Two vertical MOSFET concepts using selective epitaxial growth (SEC) by low pressure chemical vapour deposition (LPCVD) are proposed and measured device characteristics are presented. I n the VFET concept, the gate oxide is grown afer epitaxy, while in the VOXFET concept, the gate oxide is prepared before the channel region is grown. P-channel MOSFETs with channel lengths down to lOOnm have been fabricated. The VFET with LG = 200nm obtains a transconductance g , of 135mS/mm and a sub-threshold slope of S = 105 mV/dec. Measured &cut offfrequencies of the VFETare fT = 1.9 G H z andJ,l,x = 1.2 GHz. The dc-characteristics of the VOXFET are comparable, (LG = 100nm; dtjx = 10nm; g,,, = 200mS/mm), but its layout reduces parasitic capacitances, so it show better $-performance I~T = 8.7 GHz andf,,, = 19.2 GHz).