Several types of graphite were used as sensors in the potentiometric titration of 25 to 75 p t o l of sulfate vs. lead(1 I) and barlum(I1) and compared with tkratlons obtained with a lead ion-selective electrode (ISE). Pyrolytic graphite and highdenslty graphite, conditioned In neutral potassium permanganate, were found to be good alternatives to the lead ISE. A qualitative study was made of a variety of commercially available ISE's and other materials as sensors in the titration of 5 pmol of sulfate vs. lead(I1). Every ISE and conducting material tested yielded a usable response. while that of the commonly used lead ISE was largest, some other ISE's and metal rods also function satisfactorily as sensors in this titration. All titrations were carried out in a partially nonaqueous medium, which is required even for the lead ISE at the low sulfate levels lnvestlgated.