By translationally moving a magnetic source above a conductive plate guideway both levitation and drag forces are created . Unfortunately, the electrodynamic drag force can be quite high [1] . Kratz studied a double Halbach array topology, such as shown in Fig 1 [1], and used a simple curve fitting approximation to model the forces . Kratz experimentally showed that a significant reduction in drag force can be created when using this "null current" approach . Much earlier Urankar derived analytic equations for a similar double coil system [2] . In this paper an exact 3-D eddy current force model is derived that accounts for both velocity and frequency changes in the source field both above and below the conductive plate . For validation purposes the source field is assumed to be created by a linear Halbach array, as shown in Fig 1 . However, the equations are written in a general form, so as to be useful to other researchers . A 3-D second order vector potential (SOVP) formulation is used to calculate the fields and force components . The SOVP is related to the magnetic vector potential A and magnetic flux density, B, by (1)-(3) [3] . In this model the conducting plate is assumed to be finite in thickness and the plate width and length are sufficiently large that the edge effects on the conducting plate (but not source) are neglected (therefore Wb=0) . The authors believe that the presented formulation is new because the force equations on both the top and bottom conductive plate are derived by using a reflected and transmitted eddy current field approach (see Fig . 2) and the 3-degree of freedom velocity motion is accounted for . Apart from [2] most other 3-D analytical eddy current force models consider only the source on the top conductive plate [4][5][6][7][8][9][10] . By using the reflected field modeling approach the force equations can be clearly derived allowing damping and stiffness terms to be determined [11] .Using the values shown in Table I the derived 3-D eddy current model was validated using a finite element analysis model . The analytic model has been used to study parameter trade-offs . For instance, Fig 3 shows how the Halbach array magnet width, thickness and pole-pitch effect the levitation-to-weight ratio . While Fig 4 shows the trade-off in levitation/weight and levitation/drag ratios when using the double and a single Halbach array topology . The full paper will provide the detailed mathematical derivation of the field and force values as well as more detail on model validation .