Development of Verticillium dahliae in potato was modelled by coupling a Verticillium subroutine to an existing potato crop growth model, using mainly biologically meaningful and measurable parameters. The model, written in FORTRAN77, describes disease development in single plants. Stem base infection is modelled asa stochastic process. The average effect on the crop is calculated by taking the average of model reruns. The parameters of the potato crop growth model were calibrated in advance of those of the Verticillium subroutine. By doing so, corrections can be made for tack of fit in the potato growth model. Calibration of the VerticilIium subroutine was performed using experimental field data of two years at two microsclerotial density levels. The results of the calibration procedure of the Verticillium subroutine improved strongly when the results of runs of both microsclerotial densities were expressed in one combined goodness of fit value. Simulation of root infection and incidence of stem colonization by V. dahliae were in line with experimental data. However, deviances from data from the literature at inoculum densities which were not used in the calibration procedure indicate that calibration has to be performed using more field data and also incorporating more parameters like those describing fungal dynamics. Optimal runs were obtained at pathozones of c. 30 ixm, which may indicate that infections occur only when a microsclerotium is very close to the root.