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ABSTRACTTurbomachinery rotors, or bladed disks, are known to suffer from severe vibration problems due to small, random deviations (mistuning) of the blade properties. Mistuning can lead to dramatic increases in the maximum blade stress and cause high cycle fatigue (HCF), which is a major cost, readiness, and safety concern for the U.S. Air Force. The primary objective of this research was to provide significantly improved understanding, modeling, and prediction of the vibration response of mistuned bladed disk systems by including the effects of important phenomena that had been largely neglected in previous mistuning models. The models developed in this research program were used to investigate the interaction of blade mistuning with aerodynamic coupling, stage-to-stage connections for multistage rotors, blade damage, and nonlinearities. In addition, key mistuning phenomena were examined through vibration testing of blisks (single-piece bladed disks). New methods were developed for identifying blade mistuning parameters from test data and for running experimental Monte Carlo assessments of the effects of mistuning on the system forced response.
AbstractTurbomachinery rotors, or bladed disks, are known to suffer from severe vibration problems due to small, random deviations (mistuning) of the blade properties. Mistuning can lead to dramatic increases in the maximum blade stress and cause high cycle fatigue (HCF), which is a major cost, readiness, and safety concern for the U.S. Air Force. The primary objective of this research was to provide significantly improved understanding, modeling, and prediction of the vibration response of mistuned bladed disk systems by including the effects of important phenomena that had been largely neglected in previous mistuning models. The models developed in this research program were used to investigate the int...