Articles you may be interested inQuantum theory of vibrational, rotational, and translational energy exchange in collisions of polyatomic molecules. Application to methyl halides J. Chem. Phys. 78, 4502 (1983); 10.1063/1.445343Halfcollision description of final state distributions of the photodissociation of polyatomic molecules A model is proposed to describe the metastable vibrational population distribution for a laser pumped polyatomic gas which undergoes vibration-vibration energy exchange on a time scale fast compared to vibration-translation/rotation relaxation. Such systems are shown to be characterized by a multiple temperature distribution with temperature relationships governed by the vibrational energy transfer pathway. In the harmonic oscillator limit each vibrational mode is at a single mode temperature, different from the translational/rotational temperature, leading to simple expressions for the steady state thermodynamic quantities. Additional constraint equations allow the complete determination of the temperature distribution and thermodynamic quantities in terms of two initial parameters, input energy and ambient temperature. Examples of multiple temperature distributions are presented for laser pumped CH3F undergoing various relaxation pathways and at a variety of initial conditions. The selection of the hottest vibrational mode is found to depend only on the path, and this mode may not necessarily be the one with the smallest energy spacing nor the one that is actually pumped. The extent of the vibrational enhancement of this mode is dependent on the initial conditions through the conservation equations. A stable mUltiple temperature condition is found to exist only if a restricted number of energy transfer paths are allowed. E {v I = L: VJE i , g{vJI = IIgvJ ' (9) J , J J where Ej=hll i andg v is the degeneracy of state VJlli' the population of level {t i} can be resolved into its individual mode terms L (F{v I -F{v.l)n{v.l= O. (74) {vi I i J J