Raman scattering for three kinds of chrysoberyl, undoped, doped with Ti3+ ions or Cr3+ ions, has been measured. The half-widths, W, of several Raman lines with A, symmetry modes are represented as a form of W = A coth(B/kT). The fitting parameters of A and B are 4--11 cm-' and 40-60meV, respectively. The red-shifts of the Raman lines with increasing temperature are found also to be the same form to W. The form is coincident with an empirical form of the EPR linewidth of Ti3+ ions in chrysoberyl obtained by us previously. The facts may imply that the local phonon modes, which would be caused from bulk phonons, would contribute to phonon-assisted relaxation of Ti'+ ion system in chrysoberyl.%'+ ions in chrysoberyl; Laser material words; Ti3+-doped chrysoberyl; BeA1204 : Ti3+; EPR; Raman scattering;