This paper deals with a real-time image based relighting system for tangible video teleconference. The proposed image based relighting system renders the extracted human object using the virtual environmental images. The proposed system can homogenize virtually the lighting environments of remote users on the video teleconference, or render the humans like they are in the virtual places. To realize the video teleconference, the paper obtains the 3D object models of users in real-time using the controlled lighting system. In this paper, we use single color camera and synchronized two directional flash lights. Proposed system generates pure shading images using on and off flash images subtraction. One pure shading reflectance map generates a directional normal map from multiplication of each reflectance map and basic normal vector map. Each directional basic normal map is generated by inner vector calculation of incident light vector and camera viewing vector. And the basic normal vector means a basis component of real surface normal vector. The proposed system enables the users to immerse video teleconference just as they are in the virtual environments.