This research aims at describing the language program based on bī'ah lughawiyah as an Arabic-language medium in improving the ability of Arabic speaking skills (mahārah kalām) undertaken by PUSDIKLAT UNIDA Gontor at the Pesantren Tahfizhul Qur'an SahabatQu, Deresan, Yogyakarta. The main research problem is related to the strategy undertaken by PUSDIKLAT UNIDA Gontor in developing the Arabic language environment. To answer this research question, the method used is descriptive qualitative. Research data sources are the Pesantren manager and students at the Pesantren Tahfizhul Qur'an SahabatQu, Deresan, Yogyakarta. The research used several data collection techniques, interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques in qualitative research systematically track and organize field notes obtained from interviews, observations, and other materials so that researchers can report research results. The results showed that PUSDIKLAT UNIDA Gontor had done some strategies in developing the Arabic language environment. The activities of the bī’ah lughawiyah including ilqā' al mufradāts (giving Arabic vocabulary), musyāhadah (watching), language games, Arabic speech, taqdīm al qishah (Arabic drama), Arabic poetry, master of ceremony (MC) Arabic, and muhādatsah. These programs improved the speaking ability of most female students in the Pesantren Tahfizhul Qur'an SahabatQu, Deresan, Yogyakarta, precisely in utilizing Arabic as the daily communication medium and eliminating the rigidity of learners in expressing the contents of their minds.