Pupil campimetry is an objective test of the visual field. In pupil campimetry, the pupil light response elicited by focal light stimuli at different locations within the visual field is measured. Pupil campimetry was performed in patients with visual field loss because of different pathologies. The match between reduced pupil response and visual field loss was assessed. The pupil field of 23 patients was recorded by infrared video-pupillography with light stimuli generated on a computer screen. A visual field was obtained on the same day with the Tuebingen Automated Perimeter. Both fields were compared by subjective judgement. Six of nine patients with large, two of five patients with incomplete, and three of six patients with minor field loss showed matching defects in their pupil and their visual fields. In functional loss of visual field sensitivity, no pupil field defect was seen (three patients). In most patients, the loss of visual field sensitivity could be revealed objectively by pupil campimetry.