ABSTRACT-The effects of flutropium on histamine (Hist)-induced increase in intra nasal pressure in non-sensitized guinea pigs and nasal mucosa capillary permeability in passively sensitized guinea pigs were investigated. Flutropium (0.3%), atropine (0.3%), diphenhydramine (0.01%) and cimetidine (0.1%) were directly inhaled into the nasal cavities by an ultrasonic nebulizer for 20 min, followed by inhalation of Hist (0.1%) for 10 min. Flutropium, atropine and diphenhydramine had an inhibitory ac tion on the Hist-induced increase in intranasal pressure in guinea pigs. Cimetidine had no effect on this system. In passively sensitized guinea pigs (the challenge was per formed 48 hr after sensitization), a 0.1-1.0 mg/kg injection of flutropium (i.v.) dose dependently inhibited the allergic nasal mucosa capillary permeability. Atropine (10 mg/kg, i.v.) had no inhibitory action on this system. These results suggest that inhala tion into the nasal cavities and i.v. injection of flutropium are effective in ex perimental models of drug and allergy-induced rhinitis of the guinea pig.