The environment of higher education is becoming a complex landscape that presents multiple challenges for leaders to develop strategies for institutions seeking to thrive in an era of change. There is a tremendous expansion of market providers where quality can be questionable, where governance is lacking, and where the differences in local, cultures, regulations, and specific needs draw attention to the need for quality assurance. Though the global marketplace is changing, there exists an increasing demand for the services of higher education associated with the global economy. Technology has made entering this global market much easier for higher education due to the increase in the ability to provide knowledge through powerful communication tools. The combined forces of technology, new generations of students, uncertainty in the job market and economy, globalization, and all that these forces imply for higher education have created a demand for leaders who develop effective strategic approaches that anticipate multiple variables associated with the present climate. These forces interact on a global scale engaging all the complex factors wrought by international involvement. There is a need for leaders who have the cognitive complexity to lead strategic design and implementation initiatives in this complex global environment.