Abstract-this paper discusses the functional system of a learning media product development; the design and implementation of a virtual lab with analog oscillator comprising 4 (four) practical topics of digital oscillator, namely (1) Wien Bridge oscillator, (2) Colpitts oscillator, (3) Hartley oscillator and (4) Astable Multivibrator. This Virtual Laboratory was built using Adobe Flash CS6 action script 3.0. It comprises several parts, they are initial page (flash scren), main page or home page, practical page and a page about the developer. This media is accessed offline on a computer standalone based with the extension of .exe or .swf which is constructed by 24 frames per second (fps). This media can be operated by changing the Resistor (R), Inductor (L) and Capacitor (C) components and being continued to the plug and play from the RLC to the tool kit or trainer kit, while the output can be seen in the measuring devices; the frequecy counter and oscilloscope. The second product is a digital jobsheet as a supplementary for the practical which contains prequisites for conducting the practical, introduction, anatomic information of the virtual lab, directions for using e-jobsheet and the virtual lab, as well as the practical procedures and test items for evaluation.