Virtual reality (VR) technology offers new opportunities for the development of innovative neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation tools. VR-based testing and training scenarios that would be difficult, if not impossible, to deliver using conventional neuropsychological methods are now being developed that take advantage of the assets available with VR technology. If empirical studies continue to demonstrate effectiveness, virtual environment applications could provide new options for targeting cognitive and functional impairments due to traumatic brain injury, neurological disorders, and learning disabilities. This article focuses on specifying the assets that are available with VR for neuropsychological applications along with discussion of current VRbased research that serves to illustrate each asset. VR allows for the precise presentation and control of dynamic multi-sensory 3D stimulus environments, as well as providing advanced methods for recording behavioural responses. This serves as the basis for a diverse set of VR assets for neuropsychological approaches that are detailed in this article. We take the position that when combining these assets within the context of functionally relevant, ecologically valid virtual environments, fundamental advancements can emerge in how human cognition and functional behaviour is assessed and rehabilitated.Correspondence should be addressed to