The reduced thermol pressure-temperature ratio has been used to relate residual viscosity modulus for argon, krypton, and xenon into a unique relotionship applicable for the dense gaseous and liquid regions. For these monatomic substances the critical compressibility foctor i s zc = 0.291. Values of (~P R /~T R )~R vs. (fi -p*)E an log-lag coordinates produced a linear relationship. For these simple substances, this relationship was used to predict viscosities with an average deviation of 3.0% for fifty eight experimental values. This relationship was also applied for the prediction of viscosities for nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide.The approach developed in this study merits further examination with several additional substances. The lack of adequate thermal pressures in the dense gaseous and liquid regions of substances other than argon limits the use of this study to substances having critical compressibility factors zc = 0.291.The effect of pressure on the viscosity of substances in the dense gaseous and liquid regions has been represented by a relationship between the residual viscosity pp" and p , the density. Experimental viscosities of gases at elevated pressures and of the liquid state have been utilized to produce individual relationships of p -pccD vs. p for argon (20), nitrogen (1 ), oxygen (1 ) , hydrogen (1 ) , carbon dioxide (lo), ammonia ( S ) , and water ( 2 3 ) , Each of these relationships was found to be continuous when extended from the gaseous state to the liquid state. Using a dimensional analysis approach, Thodos and co-workers (9, 22) have consolidated these individual relationships for polar and nonpolar substances into a single continuous curve by relating the quantity ( pp.") Q to pR, the reduced density. Water was not included because it exhibits an abnormal behavior, which may be due to its excessive hydrogen bonding effects. The viscosity parameter [ has been shown to be .
$ = T,"'/M"TtP from dimensionalanalysis. The ( pp * ) Q vs. relationship is unique and exhibits a high dependence on density, especially in the liquid state. The complex nature of this function has required the use of a fourth-degree polynomial for its description over the complete range of the gaseous and liquid states (9).In view of the high dependence of ( p -EL") Q on reduced density, it would prove advantageous to introduce a thermodynamic quantity comparable to density which might provide a simpler functional relationship with ( py " ) 4, the residual viscosity modulus.
THERMAL PRESSUREshow that the van der Waals' equation of state From an elementary type of treatment, it is possible to can produce the following expression: Equation (2) states that the sum of the external pressure P and the internal pressure a/v2 is equal to the quantity T ( d P / d T ) ", which, according to Hirschfelder, Curtiss, and Bird ( 7 ) , is defined as the thermal pressure.For the general case, the PVT behavior can be expressed in terms of a virial type of equation of the form (3) where B ( T ) , C ( T ) , . . . are temperature...