A new optical method for assigning glass viscosity values in the softening temperature range is presented. In this method, an irregular particle, a few millimeters in size, laying on an alumina plate, is heated up to temperature T, and then remains at this temperature. T should be within the softening temperature range of the glass. There are no external applied shear stresses, the only acting shear forces are those coming from the particle’s own surface energy. At the fixed temperature T, the surface free energy of the sample decreases by viscous flow while its shape evolves from a polyhedron or irregular shape towards a spherical or rounded shape. This shape evolution is recorded using a photographic camera. From each image, the sample’s roundness is determined, obtaining a characteristic time τ from the roundness against time. Simultaneously, using the available software, a value for the viscosity η was calculated, at temperature T, allowing for building sets of T, τ, η, namely three data values. Accordingly, if T, τ are considered as independent variables, a master function η = η (T, τ) can be built. Now, if we measure T, τ data on a glass of an unknown viscosity, the master function makes it possible to assign a η value. When incipient crystallization or liquid–liquid phase separations are present, effective viscosity values are obtained. This method requires a high temperature microscope, as well as tridimmensional samples with a few cubic millimeters of volume. Each isothermal τ determination can take from minutes to several hours. We tested the method with two glasses of known viscosity values: borosilicate glass (VG98) and alumimoborosilicate glass (SG7), both of which are used for radioactive waste immobilization and have assigned log(η) values between 6 and 7.3 with η in Pa s. The discrepancy between the log(η) values assigned here and those values fitted with a VFT function on the values measured for the SG7 and VG98 glasses were within ±14%.