The development of nanoplasmonic devices, such as plasmonic circuits and metamaterial superlenses in the visible to ultraviolet frequency range, is hampered by the lack of low-loss plasmonic media. Recently, strong plasmonic response was reported in a certain class of topological insulators. Here, we present a first-principles density functional theory analysis of the dielectric functions of topologically insulating quaternary (Bi,Sb) 2 (Te,Se) 3 trichalcogenide compounds. Bulk plasmonic properties, dominated by interband transitions, are observed from 2 to 3 eV and extend to higher frequencies. Moreover, trichalcogenide compounds are better plasmonic media than gold and silver at blue and UV wavelengths. By analyzing thin slabs, we also show that these materials exhibit topologically protected surface states, which are capable of supporting propagating plasmon polariton modes over an extremely broad spectral range, from the visible to the mid-infrared and beyond, owing to a combination of interand intra-surface band transitions. NPG Asia Materials (2017) 9, e425; doi:10.1038/am.2017.149; published online 25 August 2017
INTRODUCTIONThe fields of metamaterials and plasmonics have seen an extraordinary evolution in recent years, from the initial theoretical predictions of artificial negative refractive indices and cloaking 1,2 to the experimental realization of photonic metadevices with various functionalities that can be engineered and obtained on demand. 3,4 However, the practical implementations of plasmonic and metamaterial devices have long been hampered by energy dissipation in plasmonic media, especially in the visible to ultraviolet (UV) range, where even the best plasmonic metals (such as gold, silver and aluminum) suffer from strong dissipation due to interband electronic transitions and Drude losses. 5 This has inspired a search for alternative low-loss plasmonic materials for optical devices operating at high frequencies. 6,7 Candidates that are currently being investigated include highly doped semiconductors, metallic alloys, nitrides and oxides 8 and, more recently, twodimensional materials and topological insulator (TI) materials.TIs represent a new quantum phase of matter, which originates from the topological character of the bulk electronic bands in certain materials. The strong spin-orbit coupling in such materials leads to a band inversion and the appearance of Dirac surface states in the band gap. These topological surface states are chiral and protected from back-scattering by time-reversal symmetry. As a consequence, charge carriers from topologically protected surface states can carry current and are free to move parallel to the surface. Thus, TIs are ideal candidates to realize exotic plasmonic phenomena. Localized plasmons have recently been observed in TIs at THz frequencies (in Bi 2 Se 3 ) 9,10 as well as visible-to-UV frequencies (in single crystal