Fig. 1. This figure depicts the use of the Polyphorm software tool for interactive visualization and data reconstruction during an analysis of the Bolshoi-Planck cosmological simulation dataset, which consists of approximately 840,000 simulated dark matter halos spanning a region of 170 Mpc in each dimension. Here, the entire volume is split into 4 equally sized vertical slabs, each showing a different view that enables the analysis of dark matter filaments: (a) raw data points (red) and agents (white) of our Monte Carlo Physarum Machine (MCPM) reconstruction algorithm, (b) volumetric footprint of the data ('deposit, white) and the reconstructed Cosmic Web filament density field ('trace, purple), (c) density field of the reconstruction mapped using a heatmap color palette, and (d) the same density field, but now segmented instead into three intervals using an alternative color map ('low in blue, 'medium in green, 'high in red). The filament reconstruction and interactive visualization facilitates new insights into into the structure and composition of the Cosmic Web.