The synthesis of docosahexaenoic (DHA, 22:6n-3) and Osbond acid (OA, 22:5n-6) is regulated by the heterodimer of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor and retinoid X receptor (RXR). 9-Cis retinoic acid, a metabolite of vitamin A, is the most potent ligand of RXR. We tested whether vitamin A deficiency impairs DHA and OA synthesis in rats fed a vitamin A- and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)-sufficient (VASALAS), vitamin A-sufficient and ALA-deficient (VASALAD), vitamin A-deficient and ALA-sufficient (VADALAS), or vitamin A- and ALA-deficient (VADALAD) diet. After 7 wk of feeding, liver and colon choline (CPG) and ethanolamine (EPG) phosphoglyceride FA were analyzed. The VADALAS compared with the VASALAS rats had elevated levels of both DHA (P< 0.05) and OA (P < 0.005) in liver CPG and EPG. In contrast, the VADALAD group had a lower DHA (P < 0.01) and higher OA (P < 0.005) level in CPG and EPG of both tissues than their VASALAD counterparts. ALA deficiency reduced DHA and enhariced OA levels in liver and colon CPG and EPG in both the vitamin A-sufficient (VASALAS vs. VASALAD) and -deficient (VADALAS vs. VADALAD) rats (P < 0.005). The study demonstrates that ALA deficiency reduced DHA and enhanced OA levels in tissue membranes, and dietary vitamin A deficiency has a profound effect on membrane DHA and OA in rat tissues. Both vitamin A and DHA are involved in a myriad of vital physiological functions pertaining to growth and development and health. Hence, there is a need for a further study to unravel the mechanism by which vitamin A influences membrane DHA and OA.