“…[x, y] ← The earliest available location of u from row 1 to row t in S based on the precedence relation in G r ; 10: if not find then 11: [x, y] ← The earliest available location of u in row t + 1 in S; 12: end if 13: Put u into [x, y]; 14: end for 15: for all u ∈ U do 16: a ← The switching activity of node u: Computed by Hamming distance between u and its immediately before node on the same processor; 17: b ← 0, b is the voltage switching overhead of node u; 18: b ← 1, when there is a voltage switching; 19: end for 20: Use algorithm VAP M [23] to obtain MIN(E) voltages assignment A with (Prob. (T ≤ L)) ≥ P for the schedule; 21: S i ← S; r i ← r; A i,j ← A; 22: end for 23: E min ← MIN(E total ); 24: Store the S i , r i , and A i,j corresponding to E min ; 25: Output S i , r i , and A i,j ;…”