1 Extracellular ATP is a neurotransmitter and mediates a variety of responses. In the endocrine system, there are data suggesting a physiological role for ATP in Ca 2+ signalling and hormone secretion. However, the ATP receptor subtype involved has not been clearly elucidated in GH3 cells, a rat anterior pituitary cell line. ] i and depolarization responses was BzATP > > ATP 42-MeSATP and purine derivatives such as ADP, AMP, adenosine were ineective. Neither UTP nor a, b-methylene ATP showed any eect. 5 In low-divalent conditions BzATP evoked non-desensitizing inward currents, which were reversed at *0 mV. This nonselective cationic conductance was increased by repeated applications of BzATP and the cells became very permeable to NMDG. Longer applications (30 min) of BzATP stimulated ethidium bromide in¯ux in low divalent conditions, suggesting increased permeability to larger molecules. We also identi®ed the existence of P2X 7 mRNA on GH3 cells by using reverse transcriptase (RT)-polymerase chain reaction (PCR). 6 These results suggest that the GH3 cells have an endogenous P2X 7 receptor and purinergic stimulation may play a potential role in neuroendocrine modulation on these cells.