Novel experimental data of density
for mixtures containing CO2 + ethanol, CO2 +
ethyl lactate, CO2 + glycerol + ethanol, and CO2 + glycerol + ethyl lactate
at low/moderate temperatures (308 and 323 K), pressures between 5
and 30 MPa, and high amounts of the organic solvent (molar fraction x = 0.5–0.9) are presented. The chosen organic solvents
(ethanol, ethyl lactate, and glycerol) are green and applicable in
food industry and present different polarizabilities. The density
of CO2 + ethanol increased with the increment in the molar
fraction of CO2, and the opposite was observed for the
mixtures of CO2 + ethyl lactate. By adding a small amount
of glycerol to the mixture of CO2 + ethanol and CO2 + ethyl lactate, it was possible to increase the density
even a little further. The experimental data of density were well-correlated
using the Peng–Robinson equation of state (PR-EOS) combined
with Péneloux volume translation.