-A high-salt diet can lead to hydromineral imbalance and increases in plasma sodium and osmolality. It is recognized as one of the major contributing factors for cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension. The paraventricular nucleus (PVN) plays a pivotal role in osmotically driven sympathoexcitation and high blood pressure, the precise mechanisms of which are not fully understood. Recent evidence indicates that AVP released from magnocellular neurons might be involved in this process. Using a combination of in vivo and in situ studies, we sought to investigate whether AVP, acting on PVN neurons, can change mean arterial pressure (MAP) and sympathetic nerve activity (SNA) in euhydrated male rats. Furthermore, we wanted to determine whether V 1a receptors on PVN neurons would be involved in saltinduced sympathoexcitation and hypertension. In rats, 4 days of salt loading (NaCl 2%) elicited a significant increase in plasma osmolality (39 Ϯ 7 mosmol/kgH 2O), an increase in MAP (26 Ϯ 2 mmHg, P Ͻ 0.001), and sympathoexcitation compared with euhydrated rats. Microinjection of AVP into the PVN of conscious euhydrated animals (100 nl, 3 M) elicited a pressor response (14 Ϯ 2 mmHg) and a significant increase in lumbar SNA (100 nl, 1 mM) (19 Ϯ 5%). Pretreatment with a V 1a receptor antagonist, microinjected bilaterally into the PVN of salt-loaded animals, elicited a decrease in lumbar SNA (Ϫ14 Ϯ 5%) and MAP (Ϫ19 Ϯ 5 mmHg), when compared with the euhydrated group. Our findings show that AVP plays an important role in modulating the salt-induced sympathoexcitation and high blood pressure, via V 1a receptors, within the PVN of male rats. As such, V 1a receptors in the PVN might contribute to neurogenic hypertension in individuals consuming a high-salt diet.vasopressin; paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus; salt loading; sympathoexcitation; hypertension A HIGH DIETARY INTAKE OF SALT is one of the major contributing factors to cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension (11,12,32). High-salt diets can lead to a hydromineral imbalance and increases the plasma sodium concentrations and osmolality. This, in turn, can activate central hypothalamic nuclei that elevate sympathetic outflow and arterial blood pressure (BP), leading to a disorder referred to as salt-sensitive neurogenic hypertension (33).Osmotic perturbations are primarily sensed by osmosensing neurons located in brain regions that lack a blood-brain barrier termed circumventricular organs (CVOs). Under systemic hyperosmotic conditions, the CVOs are activated and send excitatory inputs to the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN), an important integrative center involved in the autonomic and neuroendocrine functions to maintain body fluids and cardiovascular homeostasis (14,19,28). The PVN lies adjacent to the third ventricle in the anterior hypothalamus, and it is composed of magnocellular neurons (MCNs) and parvocellular neurons (PCN). The PCN send projections to autonomic nuclei, such as the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) and intermediola...