A Computational ComplexityKnots construction. The first step of skeleton clustering is choosing knots, and, in this work, we take overfitting k-means as the default method. The k-means algorithm of Hartigan and Wong (Hartigan and Wong, 1979) has time complexity O(ndkI), where n is the number of points, d is the dimension of the data, k is the number of clusters for k-means, and I is the number of iterations needed for convergence. When using overfitting k-means to choose knots, the reference rule is k = √ n, and hence the complexity is O(n 3/2 dI). This is a time-consuming step of our clustering framework, and the complexity increases linearly with d. Therefore, preprocessing the data with dimension reduction techniques or using subject knowledge to choose knots can be helpful to speed up this process.Edges construction. For the edge construction step, we approximate the Delaunay Triangulation with DT (C) by looking at the 2-NN neighborhoods (the Voronoi Density regions in 3.1 ). Hence the main computational task for our edge construction step is the 2-nearest knot search. We used the k-d tree algorithm for this purpose, which gives the worst-case complexity of O(ndk (1−1/d) ). Notably, the computation complexity at this step is at the worst linear in d, which is a much better rate than computing the exact Delaunay Triangulation (exponential dependence on d), and our empirical studies have illustrated the effectiveness of such approximation.Edge weight construction: VD. Next, we consider the computation complexity of the different edge weights measurements. For the VD, its numerator can be computed directly from the 2-NN search when constructing the edges and hence no additional computation is needed. The denominators are pairwise distances between knots and can be computed with the worst-case complexity of O(dk 2 ) because the number of nonzero edges is less than k(k−1) 2 . With k = √ n, we have the total time complexity of computing the VD to be O(nd). Edge weight construction: FD. For the Face density, we calculate the projected KDE at the middle point for each pair of neighboring Voronoi cells. The projection of one data point onto one central line can be done by matrix multiplication with complexity O(d). Recall that we only use data points in local Voronoi cells for FD calculation, and the local sample size would be at n loc = O( √ n) under the conditions in Section 4 and the reference rule k = [ √ n]. Together it takes O(d √ n) to calculate the projected data for one edge. With the projected data, KDE calculation has a time complexity O(c log c) where c = max j̸ =ℓ {n j +n ℓ } for any pair of knot indexes j, ℓ. Again we have c = O(n/k) = O(√ n) under the previously mentioned conditions. We need to do KDE for each edge in the skeleton, which gives the overall time complexity of FD weights to O(kEdge weight construction: TD. For Tube density, we similarly perform a projected KDE for each edge. Let η be the maximum number of points in a tube region η = max j,ℓ |{X i : ∥Π jℓ (X i ) − X i ∥ ≤ R}|, the data pro...