Flow past a single small planar or three-dimensional roughness mounted on a smooth surface is investigated theoretically for various edge steepnesses, the oncoming planar motion being within a boundary layer or other near-wall shear. Nonlinear edge properties at large Reynolds numbers largely control the flow responses at the threedimensional roughness wing-tips and the impacts of separation(s), among other features. From analysis and computation, criteria are found for the generation of nonlinear upstream influence, downstream influence and separations, for two-and threedimensional roughnesses, as well as wing-tip separations. In particular, it is predicted that with a severe edge (e.g. a 90• forward-facing step) the ratio of the upstream separation distance over the roughness edge height is a constant times Re 1/4 W in two dimensions, the constant being approximately 0.142 and the Reynolds number Re W being based on the roughness edge height and the incident velocity slope at the surface. In three dimensions Re W is multiplied by sin ψ, as expected physically, where ψ is the tangent angle of the roughness planform. The ratio prediction above is very general, applying not only for any incident shear flow, but also for any front-edge geometry. Other separation and reattachment properties, extensions and a comparison with an experiment, are also discussed.