We study a simple magnetohydrodynamical approach in which hydrodynamics and MHD turbulence are coupled in a shell model, with given dynamo constrains in the large scales. We consider the case of a low Prandtl number fluid for which the inertial range of the velocity field is much wider than that of the magnetic field. Random reversals of the magnetic field are observed and it shown that the magnetic field has a non trivial evolution -linked to the nature of the hydrodynamics turbulence.PACS numbers: 47. 91.25.Cw,47.27.Ak Observations show that natural dynamos are intrinsically dynamical. Complex magnetic field evolutions have been reported for many systems, including the Sun and the Earth [1]. Formally, the coupled set of momentum and induction equations are invariant under the transform: (u, B) → (u, −B) so that states with opposite polarities can be generated from the same velocity field (u and B are respectively the velocity and magnetic fields). In the case of the geodynamo, polarity switches are called reversals [1] and occur at very irregular time intervals [2]. Such reversals have been observed recently in laboratory experiments using liquid metals, in arrangements where the dynamo cycle is either favored artificially [3] or stems entirely from the fluid motions [4,5]. In these laboratory experiments, as also presumably in the Earth core, the ratio of the magnetic diffusivity to the viscosity of the fluid (magnetic Prandtl number P M ) is quite small. As a result, the kinetic Reynolds number R V of the flow is very high because its magnetic Reynolds number R M = R V P M needs to be large enough so that the stretching of magnetic fields lines balances the Joule dissipation. Hence, the dynamo process develops over a turbulent background and in this context, it is often considered as a problem of 'bifurcation in the presence of noise'. For the dynamo instability, the effect of noise enters both additively and multiplicatively, a situation for which a complete theory is not currently available. Some specific features have been ascribed to its onset (e.g. bifurcation via an on-off scenario [6]) and to its dynamics [7]. Turbulence also implies that processes occur over an extended range of scales; however, in a low magnetic Prandtl number fluid the hydrodynamic range of scales is much wider than the magnetic one. In laboratory experiments, the induction processes that participate in the dynamo cycle involve the action of large scale velocity gradients [4,8,9], with also possible contributions of velocity fluctuations at small scales [10,11,12].Building upon the above observations, we propose here a simple model which incorporates hydromagnetic turbulent fluctuations (as opposed to 'noise') in a dynamo instability. The models stems from the approach introduced in [13] for the hydrodynamic studies. Magnetic field reversals are observed above onset and we detail their characteristics.