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Documents in EconStor mayMoreover, wage-setting institutions and the degree of wage compression may be an important factor behind observed similarities between European and US gross job between different countries, is that controlling for differences that may affect job reallocation rates, in addition to the wage distribution, is more manageable between industries, or over time, in the same country rather than between economies. 4 The data contain quarterly information on establishment employment turnover and wages for a panel of more than 10,000 establishments in the Swedish private sector, covering the time period 1992:3 to 1999:2. 4 Moreover, due to data quality considerations such as country differences in sample coverage, definitions of establishments, the ability to link establishments over time and sector coverage, crosscountry comparisons on gross job flows and wage dispersion are problematic. These problems are discussed in Davis and Haltiwanger (1999) and Addison and Teixeira (2003).
4The results suggest substantial sector heterogeneity. In the preferred model, industry heterogeneity is controlled for by using fixed effects. The effect of wage dispersion on job turnover is negative and significant in the manufacturing sector. This supports the Bertola and Rogerson hypothesis that a more compressed wage structure will result in higher job reallocation rates. Estimating separate models for job creation and destruction show a negative and significant effect of wage dispersion on job destruction, whereas the effect is insignificant in the job creation-equation. These results are consistent with wages being more rigid downwards than upwards. No support for the Bertola and Rogerson model is found in the non-manufacturing sector.The share of temporary employees is used as a proxy for adjustment costs.Firms with a high fraction can more easily adapt to changes ...