This article presents a novel dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) with an 8-port feeding system offering gain and polarization diversity. The single-antenna unit is defined by a square arrangement of four aperture slots (ACSs), hybridized with the radiation of the dielectric resonator. Basically, an atypical feeding layout, realized by two microstrip transmission lines driving each of the four ACSs (thus requiring a total of 8 feed lines), allows for controlled excitation of the polarization. This resonator and feeder define the 8-port DRA, which, can offer linear polarization (LP), right-handed circular polarization (RHCP) or left-handed circular polarization (LHCP). Reflection coefficient and coupling values for different port excitation scenarios are also investigated for each polarization state of the L-band antenna. The maximum gain is about 5 dBic for LHCP or RCHP and 5 dBi when considering LP radiation. Such agility can be useful for the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), for example, and other RF challenged environments where the dominant polarization is not known apriori. Other applications include duplex systems, wireless communications, and other phased arrays where gain or polarization diversity is of interest. Index Terms-Dielectric resonator antenna (DRA), polarization diversity, hybrid antenna, microstrip line, aperture coupled slots (ACSs).
I. INTRODUCTIOND IELECTRIC resonator antennas (DRAs) have received considerable attention for different RF communication systems and satellite applications. They are generally compact, provide high radiation efficiencies, can be excited using various feeding techniques, and provide high gain. Recent developments focus on new types of DRAs including dual-band operation with high impedance bandwidth [1], new feeding techniques [2] and new shapes for the radiating elements such as the T-shape [3], L-shape [4], stair-shape [5], [6] and others. However, to achieve wide bandwidth with a compact design, the feeding system can be challenging. Moreover, difficulties can arise when trying to achieve wide bandwidth and high polarization diversity at the same time. This is because most DRA feeding systems are focused on the efficient excitation of only one type of polarization, being either linearly polarized (LP) or circularly polarized (CP).