Objectives: As the number of individuals seeking emergency care has increased during the last decade, the challenges facing emergency departments (EDs) have grown. These include overcrowding, increasing wait times, and an increasing number of patients who leave without being seen by a medical professional. We sought to describe the clinical characteristics of patients leaving the Texas Children's Hospital (TCH) ED without being seen during 1.5-year period as well as the predictors of further treatment received by these patients. Methods: We prospectively conducted a simple random sample of patients who left the TCH ED without being seen to determine their demographic and clinical characteristics as well as their clinical outcomes. Frequencies and measures of central tendency were used to describe the study population. Univariate and multivariate analyses were conducted to determine the predictors of receiving treatment elsewhere after leaving the TCH ED. Results: Almost all study patients identified a primary care provider (PCP), and the most patients who left sought care with their PCP within 8 hours. Almost half the patients arrived during the busy evening hours between 7 and 11 PM, and the median wait time before leaving was 3 hours. Almost half of the patients reported receiving treatment elsewhere, and 4% were admitted elsewhere. Those ill longer than 24 hours were almost 3 times as likely to receive treatment elsewhere. Almost all patients were clinically better by the time of telephone follow-up, and no patient had died. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that most patients who leave the ED without being seen have PCPs and seek care elsewhere after they leave. However, most patients are not sick enough to warrant admission elsewhere and probably could have waited to see their PCP rather than come to the ED.A ccess to health care is an important concern for all Americans. Without other resources, many patients rely on the emergency department (ED) as a ''safety net'' for medical care. Emergency department personnel are driven by ethical and legal responsibilities to provide care, but patients who leave without being seen (LWBS) by a medical professional are a particular challenge. Various frequencies of LWBS have been reported with numbers ranging from 1% to 15% 1 -3 in the general ED patient population. Reported pediatric frequencies in North America range from 0.2% to 3.9%. 4 -6 Other studies have sought to identify factors that increase departure from the ED without receiving medical evaluation. Wait time to be seen was shown to be the most common factor in patient departures. 3 -5,7 -9 In a pediatric study, children who left the ED without being seen had lower acuity levels and were more likely to be taken elsewhere for follow-up care than children who stayed. 6 Total number of patients seen in the ED was the most powerful predictor of LWBS in another study. 10 Patients listed communication of wait times and availability of immediate temporary treatments as reasons that would keep them from leaving. 1...