There is overwhelming evidence, from laboratory experiments, observations, and computational studies, that coherent structures can cause intermittent transport, dramatically enhancing transport. A proper description of this intermittent phenomenon, however, is extremely difficult, requiring a new non-perturbative theory, such as statistical description. Furthermore, multi-scale interactions are responsible for inevitably complex dynamics in strongly non-equilibrium systems, a proper understanding of which remains one of the main challenges in classical physics. However, as a remarkable consequence of multi-scale interaction, a quasi-equilibrium state (so-called self-organisation) can be maintained.This Special Issue presents different theories of statistical mechanics to understand this challenging multiscale problem in turbulence. The 14 contributions to this Special Issue focus on the various aspects of intermittency, coherent structures, self-organisation, bifurcation and nonlocality. Given the ubiquity of turbulence, the contributions cover a broad range of systems covering laboratory fluids (channel flow, the Von Kármán flow), plasmas (magnetic fusion), laser cavity, wind turbine, air flow around a high-speed train, solar wind and industrial application. The following is a short summary of each contribution.Mathur et al.[1] address the importance of structures in the transient behaviour of a channel flow at high Reynolds number Re. Large-eddy simulations of turbulent channel flow subjected to a step-like acceleration reveal the transition of transient channel flow comprised of a three-stage response similar to that of the bypass transition of boundary layer flows; the effect of the structures (the elongated streaks) becomes more important in the transition for large Re. Their analysis employing conditionally-averaged turbulent statistics elucidates the interplay between structures and active/inactive regions of turbulence depending on Re.Chliamovitch and Thorimbert [2] present a new method of dealing with non-locality of turbulence flows through the formulation of the bilocal kinetic equation for pairs of particles. Based on a maximum-entropy-based generalisation of Boltzmann's assumption of molecular chaos, they utilise the two-particle kinetic equations and derive the balance equations from the bilocal invariants to close their kinetic equations. The end product of their calculation is non-viscous hydrodynamics, providing a new dynamical equation for the product of fluid velocities at different points in space.Jacquet et al. [3] address the formation of coherent structures and their self-organisation in a reduced model of turbulence. They present the transient behaviour of self-organised shear flows by solving the Fokker-Planck equation for time-dependent Probability Density Functions (PDFs) and model the formation of self-organisation shear flows by the emergence of a bimodal PDF with the two peaks for non-zero mean values of a shear flow. They show that the information length-The total number of statisti...