In this paper we study the formation of topological Tamm states at the interface between a semi-infinite one-dimensional photonic-crystal and a metal. We show that when the system is topologically non-trivial there is a single Tamm state in each of the band-gaps, whereas if it is topologically trivial the band-gaps host no Tamm states. We connect the disappearance of the Tamm states with a topological transition from a topologically non-trivial system to a topologically trivial one. This topological transition is driven by the modification of the dielectric functions in the unit cell. Our interpretation is further supported by an exact mapping between the solutions of Maxwell's equations and the existence of a tight-binding representation of those solutions. We show that the tight-binding representation of the 1D photonic crystal, based on Maxwell's equations, corresponds to a Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-type model (SSH-model) for each set of pairs of bands. Expanding this representation near the band edge we show that the system can be described by a Dirac-like Hamiltonian. It allows one to characterize the topology associated with the solution of Maxwell's equations via the winding number. In addition, for the infinite system, we provide an analytical expression for the photonic bands from which the band-gaps can be computed. arXiv:2001.10628v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]