We classify N = 2 Minkowski 4 solutions of IIB supergravity with an SU (2) R symmetry geometrically realized by an S 2 -foliation in the remaining six dimensions. For the various cases of the classification, we reduce the supersymmetric system of equations to PDEs. These cases often accommodate systems of intersecting branes and half-maximally supersymmetric AdS 5,6,7 solutions when they exist. As an example, we analyze the AdS 6 case in more detail, reducing the supersymmetry equations to a single cylindrical Laplace equation. We also recover an already known linear dilaton background dual to the (1, 1) Little String Theory (LST) living on NS5-branes, and we find a new Minkowski 5 linear dilaton solution from brane intersections. Finally, we also discuss some simple Minkowski 4 solutions based on compact conformal Calabi-Yau manifolds.2 This is not the only way to realise SU(2), indeed it is possible to decompose M 6 as a fibration of S 3 over some M 3 in terms of the Maurer-Cartan of SU(2). It is however unclear whether anything beyond the SU(2) × U(1) preserving squashed 3-sphere is compatible with SU(2) R . When it is compatible one can always T-dualise on the Hopf fibre and end up in a class with a round S 2 factor. Thus up to T-duality the combined results of this work and [26] cover such cases