In this short presentation I emphasize the increased importance of kaon flavour physics in the search for new physics (NP) that we should witness in the rest of this decade and in the next decade. The main actors will be the branching ratios for the rare decays K + → π + νν and KL → π 0 νν, to be measured by NA62 and KOTO, and their correlations with the ratio ε /ε on which recently progress by lattice QCD and large N dual QCD approach has been made implying a new flavour anomaly. Further correlations of K + → π + νν, KL → π 0 νν and ε /ε with εK , ∆MK , KL → µ + µ − and KL → π 0 + − will help us to identify indirectly possible NP at short distance scales. This talk summarizes the present highlights of this facinating field including some results from concrete NP scenarios. To be published online by the Institute of Physics Proceedings.