To determine the standards of anthropogenic load on the water resources of the territory, as well as to carry out their geo-ecological assessment, the question arises of quantitative determination of the characteristics that influence the conditions for the formation and functioning of water resources of geographical systems. The ability of an ecosystem to withstand external stress depends on its resident resilience and ability to recover after a reduction in stress. Among the many factors in assessing the geoecological state of a territory, an important place is occupied by the availability of water resources and their quantitative characteristics, as well as the distribution of moisture resources throughout the territory at different periods of time. Analysis of the water supply of the territory is necessary, both from the point of view of determining the natural capabilities (potential) of aquatic ecosystems, and determining the qualitative state of water bodies. In the presented article, based on observational data over a long-term period, the average durations of wet and dry periods, as well as the percentage of precipitation at weather stations in the study area, are determined. Based on the data on humidity and heat resources, the heat and energy resources of the climate, evaporation and their water equivalents were calculated. The calculations made made it possible to determine characteristics important for water availability, such as the ratio of heat and moisture resources and the humidification coefficient. Based on a study of the main directions of economic development of the territory, industries that place a significant burden on water resources were identified and recommendations were given for restoring impaired functions.