The success of Russia's socio-economic development heavily depends on resource avail abi li ty , resource sufficiency, and resource diversity. Because economic resources (natural, human, capital, information, and material) represent a key barrier to regional social and economic development, the regional federal systems should take into account the effects of regional development drivers. This study aims to assess the level of economic development across economic regions in Russia regarding resource availability and develop state regulation measures to improve regional economic performance. For thi s, a l l regions were divided into groups by their gross regional product estimates. Fac to rs re fl ec ti ng e c onomi c performance were identified through factor analysis, and the cyclical nature of resources av ai la bil it y w a s discussed. The paper offers a resources availability model that allows determining the minimum a moun t o f resources required for a region having a specific level of economic development to a c hi ev e t he ma x imu m economic performance possible inless time. In addition, the paper presents a state regulatory framework for a regional economy that integrates financial support measures, state projects and programs, and me a sure s to modify the regulatory framework and the regulation of human resources. The proposed sta te re g ul ati on framework takes into account the full range of regional resources and makes it possible to choose t h e mo st effective tools with the view to meeting regional development goals