The population of avifauna in the natural environment can be a potential attraction for bird watching tourism. The objective of this study were to identify avifauna that exist in each interpretation pathways in Bukit Cinta, to identify the interpretation pathways that potentially could be developed as birdwatching location, to describe the spatial and temporal distribution of avifauna species in each interpretation pathway of visitor characteristics at Bukit Cinta, especially with regard to tourist interest and making recommendations for birdwatching tourism programs at Bukit Cinta. This study used the method of Visual Encounter Survey (VES). Avifauna observation has been conducted in the tourist area of Bukit Cinta, Gunung Gajah Village, Bayat District Klaten Regency Central Java in July 2018. The avifauna diversity and distribution were analyzed descriptively into species level. The results showed that there were 12 species of avifauna found in the study sites i.e., sepah kecil (Pericrocotus cinnamomeus), elang ularbido (Spilornis cheela), avifauna madu sriganti (Cynnyris jugularis), kekeb babi (Artamus leucorynchus), walet linci (Collocalia linchi), cabe Jawa (Dicaeum trochileum), bondol Jawa (Lonchura punctulata), caladi tilik (Dendrocopos moluccensis), kutilang (Pycnonotus aurigaster), tekukur (Spilopelia chinensis), cinenen (Orthotomus sepium), dan caladi ulam (Dendrocopos macei). All species of avifauna were distributed evenly in the study site. In conclusion, the species diversity of avifauna in the study site was very high and can be a supporting biological resource in the development of avifauna ecotourism.