The temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity is linked to the nature of the energy transport at a frequency ω, which is quantified by thermal diffusivity d(ω). Here we study d(ω) for a poorly annealed glass and a highly stable glass prepared using the swap Monte Carlo algorithm. To calculate d(ω), we excite wave packets and find that the energy moves diffusively for high frequencies up to a maximum frequency, beyond which the energy stays localized. At intermediate frequencies, we find a linear increase of the square of the width of the wave packet with time, which allows for a robust calculation of d(ω), but the wave packet is no longer well described by a Gaussian as for high frequencies.In this intermediate regime, there is a transition from a nearly frequency independent thermal diffusivity at high frequencies to d(ω) ∼ ω −4 at low frequencies. For low frequencies the sound waves are responsible for energy transport and the energy moves ballistically. The low frequency behavior can be predicted using sound attenuation coefficients.The thermal conductivity of amorphous solids is vastly different than that of their crystalline counterparts. The existence of several common features in the temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity of amorphous solids indicates a common origin 1-8 . At temperatures below ∼ 1K the thermal conductivity grows as T 2 compared to T 3 growth for crystalline solids. This quadratic growth of the thermal conductivity with temperature is generally attributed to two-level tunneling states 3,5,7,9-11 , although alternative explanations exist 12-14 . Around T ≈ 10K a plateau develops in the thermal conductivity and there is a nearly linear rise in the thermal conductivity after the plateau.The temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity κ can be analyzed in terms of frequency dependent thermal diffusivity d(ω), which quantifies how fast a wave packet, narrowly peaked around a frequency ω, propagates [15][16][17][18] . At low temperatures, only the low frequency modes are excited, and only the low frequency thermal diffusivity significantly contributes to the thermal conductivity. The most prevalent theories attribute the low frequency thermal diffusivity to two-level states, which provide the dominant contribution below 1K, and to thermal transport due to sound waves 19,20 . By considering the sound waves as a phonon gas, Debye argued that there is a contribution to d(ω) given by v(ω) (ω)/3 where v(ω) is the speed of sound and (ω) is the mean free path 21 . It is often assumed, and confirmed in recent simulations, that sound attenuation obeys Rayleigh scaling, and thus the contribution due to sound waves behaves as d s (ω) ∼ ω −422-24 . Several researchers demonstrated that the thermal conductivity can be accurately described for temperatures at and below the low temperature plateau by combining the contributions to d(ω) due to two level systems and due to sound waves 19,20,25,26 .At room temperature, where all vibrational modes are excited, the average mean free path...