Using computational modeling, we show that self-oscillating Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) gels can both emit and sense a chemical signal and thus drive neighboring gel pieces to spontaneously self-aggregate, so that the system exhibits autochemotaxis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the closest system to the ultimate selfrecombining material, which can be divided into separated parts and the parts move autonomously to assemble into a structure resembling the original, uncut sample. We also show that the gels' coordinated motion can be controlled by light, allowing us to achieve selective self-aggregation and control over the shape of the gel aggregates. By exposing the BZ gels to specific patterns of light and dark, we design a BZ gel "train" that leads the movement of its "cargo." Our findings pave the way for creating reconfigurable materials from self-propelled elements, which autonomously communicate with neighboring units and thereby actively participate in constructing the final structure.self-oscillating gels | autochemotactic gels | autochemotactic self-organization S pecies ranging from single-cell organisms to social insects can undergo autochemotaxis, where the entities move toward a chemo-attractant that they themselves emit. This mode of signaling allows the organisms to form large-scale structures, with amoebas (1) and Escherichia coli (2) self-organizing into extensive multicellular clusters and termites constructing macroscopic mounds (3). Notably there are few equivalents of such autochemotactic-driven assembly in the synthetic world. Although researchers have devised a range of nano-and microscopic selfpropelled particles (4), hardly any exhibit autochemotaxis (5) that leads to the formation of extended structures (6). Although recent theoretical models provide insight into the autochemotaxis of a self-propelled walker (7) and active Brownian particles (8), these studies provide few guidelines for synthesizing specific materials that display autochemotactic self-organization. The latter materials would open new routes for dynamic, reconfigurable self-assembly, where self-propelled elements communicate with neighboring units and thereby actively participate in constructing the final structure. Herein, we use computational modeling to show that millimeter-sized polymer gels can display such self-sustained, autochemotatic behavior. In particular, we demonstrate that gels undergoing the self-oscillating Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction (9) not only respond to a chemical signal from the surrounding solution, but also emit this signal and thus, multiple neighboring gel pieces can spontaneously self-aggregate into macroscopic objects. These findings indicate that BZ gels can undergo a form of "selfrecombining": if a BZ gel is cut into distinct pieces and the pieces are moved relatively far apart, then their autochemotactic behavior drives the parts to move autonomously and recombine into a structure resembling the original, uncut sample (Fig. 1). We also show that the gels' coordinated motion can ...