We report on the experimental observation of excitation and detection of parametric spin waves and spin currents in the bulk acoustic wave resonator. The hybrid resonator consists of ZnO piezoelectric film, yttrium iron garnet (YIG) films on gallium gadolinium garnet substrate, and a heavy metal Pt layer. Shear bulk acoustic waves are electrically excited in the ZnO layer due to piezoeffect at the resonant frequencies of the resonator. The magnetoelastic interaction in the YIG film emerges magnons (spin waves) excitation by acoustic waves either on resonator's eigenfrequencies or the half-value frequencies at supercritical power. We investigate acoustic pumping of magnons at the half-value frequencies and acoustic spin pumping from parametric magnons, using the inverse spin Hall effect in the Pt layer. The constant electric voltage in the Pt layer, depending on the frequency, the magnetic field, and the pump power, was systematically studied. We explain the low threshold obtained (∼ 0.4 mW) by the high efficiency of electric power transmission into the acoustic wave in the resonator.The studies in the field of magnonics or magnon spintronics direct to employ microwave spin waves (SW) as main carriers of information data transmission and processing. [1][2][3][4] Therefore, the problem of interaction between SW (or their quanta -magnons) and other condensed matter excitations (phonons, electrons, etc.) is of great importance. The numerous manifestations of SW -acoustic wave (AW) interaction in microand nanoscale structures, especially the conversion of magnetic energy into elastic and vice versa, are of interest both for practical applications and fundamental physics. [5][6][7][8] The elastic excitation of SW can be carried out without the alternating magnetic fields, which substantially reduce ohmic losses in comparison with the inductive current-driven excitation. 9 So the magnon-phonon interaction is very promising for the development of low energy SW logic circuits and memory elements.Linear excitation of acoustically driven spin waves (ADSW) was demonstrated in various hybrid magnon-phonon structures containing piezoelectric (PE) and ferromagnetic layers. [10][11][12][13] To excite ADSW, the close contact between the layers is unnecessary, and a high-Q acoustic medium can separate the layers with neither PE nor ferromagnetic properties. [14][15][16] Strain-induced magnon effects, such as SW generation, propagation, and amplification in magnetoelectric structures with close contacts of PE and thin ferromagnetic films also gained a lot of attention recently. 1,9,17 Ferromagnetic (at microwave frequencies) yttrium iron garnet (Y 3 Fe 5 O 12 -YIG) grown onto gadolinium gallium garnet (GGG) substrate has extremely low losses of spin waves and acoustic waves, and their high conversion efficiency. It makes YIG-GGG the perfect candidate for magnon spintronics devices. Thus, investigations of acoustically driven spin waves a