In this entry, the question of partnership is approached from a perspective centered around the creation of a common agenda based on trust and from the children's point of view. Partnership and collaboration have traditionally been viewed as mechanisms to create bridges between organizations and institutions from the private, public, and nongovernmental sectors in order to enhance funder collaboratives, public-private partnerships, multistakeholder initiatives, social sector networks, and collective impact initiatives. It was not however until Kania and Kramer's (2011) seminal work on collective impact when this subject came to be viewed as a developmental process aiming at the creation of a common agenda and mutually agreed activities and consisting of five integral parts: a common agenda, shared measurement systems, mutually reinforcing activities, continuous communication, and backbone support organizations. This entry, based on a systematic review of the topic, maintains that partnershipapproached from the point of view of children and through the lens of collective impactconstitutes a crucial mechanism in the creation of safe and comprehensive wellbeing for children. Thus, this entryusing Kania and Kramer's (2011) definition of collective impact and focusing on the structure of partnerships and the nature of trust in organizations as the prerequisite for partnershipadvocates the importance of the UN SDG17 principle as the bringer of inclusive society built upon principles and values, a shared vision, and shared goals that place people at the center of human endeavor.