A modern cargo owner imposes rather strict requirements on transport services in terms of delivery time, cargo safety, quality of forwarding services. In the current conditions, it is necessary to explore the possibility of developing new additional types of carriage on rail transport, in close cooperation with the road transport. In the interaction of rail and road transport the reliability, speed and carrying capacity of the first one is combined with the flexibility and efficiency of the other. However, many issues within the framework of interaction between rail and road carriers still require scientific solutions -from the selection of criteria to a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of piggyback transportation. Principles of transport service quality management were formulated and evaluation criteria were determined. Piggyback traffic in the direction of Odessa-Klaipeda will allow Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania to maintain roads, ensure purity of environment, make it possible to save fuel, as well as allow owners and carriers to significantly reduce operating costs and improve the quality of services provided.