SUMMARYThis paper is devoted to Stokes and Navier-Stokes problems with non-standard boundary conditions: we consider, in particular, the case where the pressure is given on a part of the boundary. These problems were studied by BÃ egue, Conca, Murat and Pironneau. They proved the existence of variational solutions, indicating that these were solutions of the initial non-standard problems, if they are regular enough, but without specifying the conditions on the data which would imply this regularity. In this paper, ÿrst we show that the variational solutions, on supposing pressure on the boundary 2 of regularity H 1=2 instead of H −1=2 , have their Laplacians in L 2 and, therefore, are solutions of non-standard Stokes problem. Next, we give a result of regularity H 2 , which we generalize, obtaining regularities W m; r , m ∈ N; m¿2; r¿2. Finally, by a ÿxed-point argument, we prove analogous results for the Navier-Stokes problem, in the case where the viscosity is large compared to the data.