Motivated by the very recent observations of hidden charm pentaquarks Pc(4312) + , Pc(4440) + and Pc(4457) + of the LHCb Collaboration, we systematically study the spectra of the doublyheavy (with or without charm/bottom numbers) pentaquarks and tetraquarks in non-relativistic constituent quark model. The model independent variational method is employed to solve the Schrödinger equation, where the test functions adopted are symmetric for the light quarks. In our study, the Pc(4312) + may be assigned as the ground state with spin-parity 1 2 − or 3 2 − , while the Pc(4440) + and Pc(4457) + may be assigned as the excited states with 1 2 − , which might all belong to the sextet with scc = 1 and s = 3 2 . It is notable that our working framework is quite similar to that of Hydrogen molecule, but with different potential structure. We also classify these pentaquarks and tetraquarks in light of the heavy quark symmetry and their decay properties are analyzed. Several promising channels for the observation of doubly-heavy pentaquarks and doubly-heavy tetraquarks in experiment are proposed.