We measure the average mass properties of a sample of 41 strong gravitational lenses at moderate redshift (z ∼ 0.4 -0.9), and present the lens redshift for 6 of these galaxies for the first time. Using the techniques of strong and weak gravitational lensing on archival data obtained from the Hubble Space Telescope, we determine that the average mass overdensity profile of the lenses can be fit with a powerlaw profile (∆Σ ∝ R −0.86±0.16 ) that is within 1-σ of an isothermal profile (∆Σ ∝ R −1 ) with velocity dispersion σ v = 260 ± 20 km s −1 . Additionally, we use a two-component de Vaucouleurs+NFW model to disentangle the total mass profile into separate luminous and dark matter components, and determine the relative fraction of each component. We measure the average rest frame V-band stellar mass-to-light ratio (Υ V = 4.0±0.6 h M ⊙ /L ⊙ ) and virial mass-to-light ratio (τ V = 300±90 h M ⊙ /L ⊙ ) for our sample, resulting in a virial-to-stellar mass ratio of M vir /M * = 75 ± 25. Relaxing the NFW assumption, we estimate that changing the inner slope of the dark matter profile by ∼20% yields a ∼30% change in stellar mass-to-light ratio. Finally, we compare our results to a previous study using low redshift lenses, to understand how galaxy mass profiles evolve over time. We investigate the evolution of M vir /M * (z) = α(1 + z) β , and find best fit parameters of α = 51 ± 36 and β = 0.9 ± 1.8, constraining the growth of virial to stellar mass ratio over the last ∼7 Gigayears. We note that, by using a sample of strong lenses, we are able to constrain the growth of M vir /M * (z) without making any assumptions about the IMF of the stellar population.